Epinephelus Stictus

A yellowish-brown grouper becoming whitish below, with small dark dots on the upper sides, 5 faint oblique bars on sides, pale reddish-orange underside of head and chest, and a narrow dark margin on the soft dorsal and caudal fins.
Characteristic features: 11 dorsal fin spines and 1516 soft rays, lateral-line scales 4851, Numerous dark brown to black dots on dorsal parts of head and body.
Colour: Head and body yellowish brown above, belly and rear part of body white; numerous dark brownish black spots on dorsal head and body; 5 faint, oblique bars along body, the mid-lateral section of the bars may be darker, appearing as a squarish dark blotch and a caudal-fin margin dark brown.
Size: Up to 33 cm TL.
Distribution: Western Central Pacific in tropical waters.
Habitat: Mud or sand bottoms from 60 to 140 m depth.
Indonesian fisheries: Caught by trawling.
Similar species: A distinct species, easily identified by having head and body yellowish-brown above; belly and rear part of body white; numerous dark brownish-black spots on dorsal head and body; 5 faint, oblique bars along body, the midlateral section of the bars may be darker, appearing as a squarish dark blotch and caudal-fin margin dark brown.